Here’s a testimonial for the week about BioLumina Spirulina from Sheila in North Carolina:
I went for a long drive to visit my son and decided not to take my BioLumina with me because I thought it was too much trouble. When I got back from the trip a few days later I could not believe how tired I felt. I ended up falling asleep as soon as I got home.
On my next trip I brought some BioLumina Spirulina with me and I was so pleased with my energy! When I got home I went for a 4 mile walk! I did not realize how much better I feel while using your product until I stopped using it! I have been a customer since 2017 and I plan to continue!
What is interesting to us about this story is the idea that we become accustomed to whatever level of energy we are currently experiencing. We tend to think of that level as “normal” and don’t often think beyond that narrow band of “reality.” How this applies to BioLumina is that sometimes when people use BioLumina for a period of time, they become habituated to a new energy level and don’t consciously remember what it was like for them before they started incorporating BioLumina into their routine. At some point, when they stop using BioLumina for whatever reason, it is only then that they rediscover how much it is helping them. We’ll add that the energy part of the equation is only one of many benefits that are sometimes noticeable and sometimes not so noticeable. Nonetheless, those benefits are accruing whether they are percieved or not.
This is what science tells us and we can also know this directly if we pay enough attention. You may, over time, notice that certain conditions that were present are no longer there. Many people have told us for example, that their allergies have either been greatly reduced or eliminated. Because this can be a seasonal reaction, it may take time and paying attention to notice. We’ve heard many stories like that over decades and consider the ideas to be quite valid because of the volume of information. If “science” can be defined as the search for the truth of any situation, then we need to expand our thinking to include other sources of information besides just double-blind, placebo-controlled, corporate sponsored (or state sponsored) experiments which sadly, often are slanted towards the profit motive (or other motive) of the ones who are paying for the research. Thank you Sheila for this great story!